Latest technology for stayed and extradosed bridges

Successful saddle fatigue testing of BBR HiEx CONA

The BBR HiEx CONA represents the newest and most modern saddle concept for stayed and extradosed bridges. The technical solution results from the combination of the following approved and tested systems:
• BBR VT CONA CMI post-tensioning tendon, ETA-09/0286 and ETA-09/0287
• BBR HiAm CONA stay cable fib bulletin 30 qualified system
The BBR VT team has successfully carried out a saddle fatigue test – covering both fib and CIP specifications – on a BBR HiEx CONA 055 06 strand stay cable. Testing was carried out to an axial stress-range of 200 MPa for 2,000,000 load cycles with anchorage rotations of 0.6 ° at an upper axial load of 55% GUTS, which covered both fib and CIP for stay cable and extradosed applications. After fatigue testing, the BBR HiEx CONA was axially loaded to 100% GUTS.
