Bridge Gulf Conference in Qatar

NASA SSL and BBR HQ join forces

The 4th Annual Bridges Middle East Conference was held in Doha at the end of November and BBR Network Member NASA Structural Systems participated along with BBR Headquarters. Government transport authorities and developers are continuing to invest widely in infrastructure projects, which have been accelerated following the announcement of the 2022 World Cup win. Authorities have committed US$12 billion for road and infrastructure projects.

Dr Antonio Caballero from the BBR HQ spoke about the sustainability of post-tensioning structures and the latest international trends in the stay cable and PT market. It was a great success, again showing the fact that the BBR Network is at the forefront of PT and stay cable innovation and technology. The BBR PT Specialist Company NASA SSL is recognized as a leader in post-tensioning services for bridge projects and has a significant track record having completed over 50 bridges using BBR technology in the Middle East Region.
